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Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley, CA.
Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley, CA.
Transatlantic Double Eagle
Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley, CA.
Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley, CA.

Transatlantic Double Eagle

Artifact ID1981.04505.01
Object Type Print
Artist (Aviation artist, Houston, TX)
Maker (Albuquerque, NM)
Date 1981
Medium Paper, Ink, Glass, Wood
Dimensions28 × 33 in. (71.1 × 83.8 cm)
Physical DescriptionA framed lithograph print entitled “Transatlantic Double Eagle” by Robert E. Carlin. The image is of a white and black hot air balloon floating through the cloudy sky. The print is signed by Robert Carlin, Maxie Anderson, Ben Abruzzo, and Larry Newman and is numbered Artist’s Proof Number 11. Taped to the back of the frame is an informational document about the print and the artist.
Historical NotePresident Reagan met with the crew of the Double Eagle II--Ben Abruzzo, Maxie Anderson, and Larry Newman--in the Oval Office on October 5, 1981, to present them with the Congression Gold Medals in recognition of their distinguished feat as aviation pioneers, which had been awarded on June 13, 1979. The Double Eagle II flight was the first manned balloon crossing of the Atlantic Ocean, which they undertook from August 11-17, 1978, flying from Presque Isle, ME to Miserey, France. The gondola from their trip is part of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum collection. Artist Robert E. Carlin painted this to commemorate their acheivement, and Carlin and the crew all signed the lithograph.
Additional Details
Custodial History NoteThe item was a gift from a member of the general public to President Ronald Reagan during the Reagan administration. It was received through the Executive Office of the President Office of Correspondence and maintained there until its transfer to the National Archives in January, 1989 for deposit with the Reagan Presidential Library.
Use Restriction StatusRestricted - Fully
Use Restriction Note© Robert E. Carlin 1981
Copyright or other proprietary rights are held by individuals or entities other than the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum. The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum does not warrant that the use of these materials will not infringe on the rights of third parties holding the rights to these works, or make any representations or warranties with respect to the application or terms of any international agreement, treaty, or protections that may apply. It is your responsibility to determine and satisfy any copyright or other use restrictions. Pertinent regulations can be found at 36 C.F.R 1254.62.

Related LinksPhotograph: Meeting to present the crew of the Double Eagle II with Congressionally authorized gold medals in recognition of their distinguished feat as aviation pioneers in the Oval Office 10/05/1981: c04282-01