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Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley, CA.
Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley, CA.
Icon of Christ-Pantocrator
Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley, CA.
Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley, CA.

Icon of Christ-Pantocrator

Artifact ID1981.04399.01
Object Type Icon
Date 19th c.
Medium Wood, Metal (goldleaf), Enamel
Dimensions12 1/4 × 10 1/2 × 1 1/4 in. (31.1 × 26.7 × 3.2 cm)
Physical DescriptionThis is a 19th-century icon painted with gold leaf and enamel on a wooden panel. The image is of Christ holding an open book in his left hand, and his right hand is raised, showing two fingers. The figure of Christ is surrounded by a floral motif. On the back of the wood is an inscription written in black ink: "In God and the President we trust." The piece is entitled "Christ-Pantocrator."
Historical NoteThis panel icon of gold leaf and tempera on wood was made in Russia in the 19th century. It is named Christ-Pantocrator (in Greek) meaning, Christ Almighty or Ruler of All. It was one of the earliest images of Christ depicted in the Early Christian Church, with the earliest known surviving example dating to the sixth century, and was often seen in Byzantine church art and architecture. It is a common image still in the Russian or Eastern Orthodox Church. The Pantocrator is portrayed with his right hand raised in blessing and a book representing the Gospels in his left. The icon was a gift from Svetlana Nenov of the Nenov Icon Gallery, who escaped the Soviet Union, and whose grandfather was a master artist who worked for Faberge. It was a gift to President Reagan after he was shot to help him heal. She sent to him after a service on his behalf at the Russian Orthodox Church of the Holy Virgin in Hollywood, and the priest inscribed “In God and the President we trust.”
Additional Details
Custodial History NoteThe item was a gift from a member of the general public to President Ronald Reagan and First Lady Nancy Reagan during the Reagan administration. It was received through the Executive Office of the President Office of Correspondence and maintained there until its transfer to the National Archives in January, 1989 for deposit with the Reagan Presidential Library.
Use Restriction StatusUnrestricted
Use Restriction NoteReproduction or other use of these holdings or images thereof is unrestricted.
Country/CultureRussiaPlace MadeRussia
Exhibition HistoryWithin the Vault (1998), Ronald Reagan Presidential Library; Tokens and Treasures: Gifts to Twelve Presidents (1996-1997), Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and National Archives Building
Related LinksMonday Minute: Icon of Christ