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ME342-8, Alexander Haig, Secretary of State, 1981-1982. Michael Evans Portrait Project Photogra…
ME342-8, Alexander Haig, Secretary of State, 1981-1982. Michael Evans Portrait Project Photograph Collection; Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley, CA.
Alexander M. Haig Jr.
ME342-8, Alexander Haig, Secretary of State, 1981-1982. Michael Evans Portrait Project Photogra…
ME342-8, Alexander Haig, Secretary of State, 1981-1982. Michael Evans Portrait Project Photograph Collection; Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley, CA.
Public domain

Alexander M. Haig Jr.

United States Secretary of State (1981-1982); General, United States Army
Dates in Office 1981 - 1982 United States Secretary of State
1974 - 1979 Supreme Allied Commander Europe
1973 - 1974 White House Chief of Staff
1970 - 1973 Deputy National Security Advisor