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C21036-5, President Reagan, Nancy Reagan with President Jorge Blanco and Mrs. Blanco of the Dom…
C21036-5, President Reagan, Nancy Reagan with President Jorge Blanco and Mrs. Blanco of the Dominican Republic in the entrance hall. 04/10/1984. Reagan White House Photographs; White House Photographic Collection; Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley, CA.
Salvador Jorge Blanco
C21036-5, President Reagan, Nancy Reagan with President Jorge Blanco and Mrs. Blanco of the Dom…
C21036-5, President Reagan, Nancy Reagan with President Jorge Blanco and Mrs. Blanco of the Dominican Republic in the entrance hall. 04/10/1984. Reagan White House Photographs; White House Photographic Collection; Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley, CA.

Salvador Jorge Blanco

President of the Dominican Republic (1982-1986)
Place of BirthSantiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic
Dates in Office 1982 - 1986 President of the Dominican Republic